Advantages and Disadvantages of Android Root

Do you know? What is the root? Maybe you want to understand about it. Yeah…You are in right place here today I will share my experience about root freedom or access. Suppose, you planted a tree it already has a root that is more important because without root it cannot be alive. Root is the most important part in this section. If have none root it cannot be a tree or plant. By the way, the android platform has root section. It likes a motherboard of Android Device. Maybe you laughed to see my word. But after a few minutes, you will understand my word perfectly. So, let’s starts to the point.

 “Android” the most renowned platform in the world. Android operation system has a lot of hidden features which don’t see the normal user. Android Root is a system which will show you the hidden treasure and that is really interesting. I warn you if you want to be an advanced level android user. You should go to the system, by the way, I would be foolish work for you because maybe you can do something illogical. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of root which I will write in below. Please check it out it.

Advantages of Android Root

  • Install Custom Firmware: Enough android user informed us his/her phones don’t come with any new updates. Guys... I also face this condition then I try to solve it last I find out a solution that is manually updated. Manually Updates mean install Custom Firmware. Via installs a custom firmware like update version you will be able to customize your smartphone as like Update OS. Another way, every crazy android user wish to install a cool custom firmware like Miui, Q-Luna Mini, Panasonic Lewa, Xperia etc. Personally, I support these custom firmware. It has one more reason such a color combination is so cool, smooth performance, fast working etc. new feature. Actually, custom firmware creates many smart level developer. The try to create it as suitable for a device. They create all custom firmware as user-friendly if a user feels happy to use it. Last Friday, I got an information from a Group Name “SU Droid Teach” this group provides lots of custom firmware. I also download a cool custom firmware from here name Q-Luna Mini. You can find out your suitable custom firmware from there. This big work never is completed without root permission. After getting the root permission from your smartphone, simply you can do this job successfully I hope.
  • Install Incompatible apps: In my Android Phone using the time I face a lot of difficulties. I seem every android user face this situation. “Apps not installed” it’s a disgusting notification for all of the android smartphone user like me. Maybe we don’t agree to find out this solution because it is hard work (Some android user thinks). That’s not right if you really have a dream to install this app for work or entertainment. You have to find out its solution at all. The reason of not installed this app, it is not compatible with your device. Yeah, that’s right but I would be compatible if you try to install via different angle. Via making a root all Incompatible apps able to install on any android phone. Before making root my android smartphone I am unable to install Picsart app because it’s Incompatible for my phone. But this app is essential for me. Then the root thinks hit my head. I rooted my device than trying to install Picsart app. I really surprised it installed without any error notification. So I deeply recommended you to make your smartphone root for getting better benefit.
  • Remove Pre-Installed apps: What are Pre-Installed apps? You don’t know? Don’t shy I am here to teach you. The Pre-Installed apps is a system or adjusted app of an android smartphone. Every android user sees a heap of the app included on android device and it’s by birth. These apps another name is system apps. All of the apps are not necessary and these apps eat enough space so that the RAM going to low. We try to install an unnecessary app from the phone but we failed to do the work because these apps are installed by system file. Without root access, we won’t be able to uninstall those apps anyhow. So, if you want to remove these Pre-Installed apps, you have to make your smartphone root then you can complete your job.
  • Remove Advertisement (Ads): One of the annoying problems of android phone is Ads. In our phone using the time, we see one more ads. These ads are really annoying, it disturbs us when we are busy in operating an app. usually, every android user doesn't know the reason why these ads come. Here I will say it in clearly. Just follow me. We all know about Google Play Store. Lots of apps gathered here. Almost everyone downloads and install multiple apps from here but maybe you ignored the word “Contains Ads”. When you will going to download or install an app from Play Store just see in below has little word “Contains Ads”. That’s it every app has ads but we don’t remove these annoying issue without root access. Some of the apps like Ads Blocker, Ads Remover, Ads Guard etc. don’t install on a unrooted phone. After all, if you want to remove annoying ads try to root your dear android phone.
  • Boost the speed and increase Battery Life: Yesterday, an android user commented on my post, he wants to know about how to increase battery life and phones speed. I already give him an answer. Ever so, I seem if I share the important tips here. One more visitor will be benefitted. Really I want your benefit. On the internet, has enough battery saving apps. I tried a heap of apps but actually without root access none of the apps able to save your battery life. I suggest, you to use Greenify apps after making root your phone. I also use this app and it really works nicely. If you have any confusion, you can see its review on YouTube. Then you will learn the good lesson.

Disadvantages of Android Root

Every action has an opposite and same reaction. So that, the Root access has disadvantages behind the advantages. I also share it because may be asked me in a comment what is the disadvantages of the root. However, now go to the topic.

  • Lost the Warranty: If you once root your android device. You must be lost the warranty of the phone. If next time happens something wrong in your android phone. The Mobile Servicing center doesn't allow you because you already break their rule.
  • Brick the Phone: When you trying to root android phone. Maybe the phone will be a brick for enough reason like old version root app, root access doesn't allow your OS etc. If you failed to make android phone root. It will brick your device which is harmful. If happen this you won’t be able to operate this phone as like before without flash. So, please do this work at your own risk.
  • Virus Affected: Usually, android platform is free of a virus when it is packed. But the root access is a way to unpack the operating system. So, that any virus can attack your device without any upcoming notice. You already know virus has the ability to damage any device.

At last, I say if you want to make your android phone root obviously you feel the real taste of android phone which is not found in the unrooted device. However, I shared advantages and disadvantages of the root. If you think root access is needed for your device, you can root your phone another way please ignore it. All of the work should be completed at your own risk. If happen something wrong. I will not be responsible. Mind it.